Counter Display

Counter Display

A showpiece of Café Maia at Leeds University, this stunning back-lit panel features grasses set in EcoResin. Indeed, the resin is SCS certified as is made from a minimum of 40% pre-consumer recycled content.

The translucent resin housing the grass leaves is 40% pre-consumer recycled content (or business waste to you and me) and meets the U.S.A.’s LEED (Leadership in Energy and Enivornmental Design) standards. It’s also the sturdiest polyester resin on the market.

The grass set in the EcoResin is Xerophyllum tenax. Easier on the tongue is its common name: bear grass. Bear grass is found across western North America, and plays an important part in the region’s ecology – particularly after a forest fire.

Bear grass is rich with rhizomes – underground bits of stem that send out roots and shoots. As a result, the bear grass can survive fires that destroy many other crops. Indeed, bear grass is often the first plant to grow in areas left scorched by forest fires.

The survival skills of bear grass make it an abundant crop. It’s tough, too – Native Americans weave baskets with its long, durable leaves.

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